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Chinese Mahjong is a fun variation of both traditional Chinese Mahjong and Solitaire, with millions of players across the world. However, if you are stumbling across this game for the first time, you may not have a clue where to begin when playing.
Don’t worry; that’s where this guide comes in!
What is Mahjong Solitaire?
As mentioned above, Mahjong Solitaire borrows from two other widely popular games. It is primarily based on Mahjong, a tile-matching game that originated from 17th-century China. When playing mahjong, four players compete to discard tiles from the board with the intent of collecting matching sets (cards in the same suit, etc). Mahjong solitaire is a variation of the game designed for solo players (much like solitaire). This means that the end goal is slightly different. You win at Mahjong solitaire when you have successfully removed all of the tiles from the board.
What tiles are used when playing Mahjong Solitaire?
Mahjong Solitaire, whether online or in-person, is played using 144 tiles arranged in a variety of different shapes. The tiles contain different patterns, such as:


Chinese Characters:

When working to discard tiles, you must pair them with a tile that belongs in the same category, even if the design is not the exact same. For example, all flower tiles can be paired together! However, tiles featuring Chinese characters or dots must be exact matches.
What are the benefits of playing Mahjong Solitaire?
There are many benefits associated with playing Mahjong Solitaire and other similar games.
Improved focus. Playing games such as Mahjong Solitaire requires intense focus, which, in turn, can improve your ability to focus for long periods of time. On a similar note, it can also heighten your attention to detail as you work to find matching or corresponding tiles on the board.
Improved Pattern Recognition. Pattern recognition is a skill we use in our everyday lives, often without realizing it. As Mahjong Solitaire is all about pairing matching tiles together, the more time you spend on this game, the more your pattern recognition skills will improve.
Lowered stress and anxiety. Gameplay is also essential when it comes to lowering stress and anxiety levels, especially after a busy day at work. This is because it gives you something else to turn your attention to, meaning you spend less time worrying about missed deadlines and the number of unanswered emails you have within your inbox and more time focusing on how to remove tiles from the board. As such, many people find that Mahjong Solitaire is an effective stress management tool, especially as you can squeeze in a quick game during a work break in order to relax and refresh.
Improved self-esteem. Completing a game, or winning, is one of the easiest ways to boost our self-esteem. This is because it shows us that we are capable of doing whatever we set our minds to and that we can overcome challenges.
It's a lot of fun. Perhaps the most obvious benefit associated with playing Mahjong Solitaire is that it is a lot of fun. Playing gives you the chance to try out something new, fill your free time, and succeed!
Is Mahjong Solitaire hard to play?
If you were to start an online game of Mahjong Solitaire without ever having seen the game before, it's easy to feel a little overwhelmed - especially if you mistakenly selected a layout that is for more experienced players. However, the truth is Mahjong Solitaire follows simplistic rules. Learn these, and you’ll be a Mahjong Solitaire pro in no time at all!
How to play Mahjong Solitaire.
While it may seem complicated, playing Mahjong Solitaire is relatively simple. You simply need to focus on finding matching combinations of tiles in order to remove them from the board (or screen when playing online).
Step One: Choose the format.
When setting up a gain of Mahjong Solitaire, the formation of the tiles impacts the difficulty level of the game. Tiles can be arranged in a variety of formats and shapes, such as:
Classic Mahjong.





Step Two: Begin Removing Tiles.
Once you’ve chosen the layout for your game of Mahjong Solitaire, it's time to begin removing tiles. Remember, you can only select tiles that are on the outside of the shape - such as those highlighted in the image below.

Each time you find a matching pair of tiles (those belonging to the same group), you can remove them from the board.
Remember, the key to playing this game is not necessarily removing or pairing up tiles as quickly as possible but rather removing them strategically so that more tiles on the board become playable (by turning them into “edge” tiles.
The game is over when you have successfully removed all tiles! However, if you reach a point in the game where there are no matching tiles left, the game is over!
Winning Strategies When Playing Mahjong Solitaire.
Whether you’re new to playing Mahjong Solitaire or looking to improve your skills, there are many different strategies you can employ to better your chances of long-term success.
Try to free up as many tiles as possible.
As mentioned above, one of the easiest (and quickest) ways to clear the board when playing Mahjong Solitaire is by focusing on removing tiles that will make more tiles playable.
Start by removing tiles on the upper levels of the board.
When playing strategically, you should start by trying to remove tiles on the higher levels. This helps you open up the gameplay and reveals a variety of potential pairings that lie underneath these tiles.
Turn your attention to the corner tiles.
Tiles placed in the corners of shapes and formations often have multiple tiles hidden underneath them. Focusing on pairing up corner tiles first, therefore, makes it easier to identify other potential pairings and clear the board.
Remember that this is a game of strategy.
At its core, Mahjong Solitaire is a game of strategy. You are not simply pairing tiles and hoping for the best, but rather, trying to find the most effective way to remove all tiles from the board. This means that, more often than not, your focus should be on dismantling the upper levels of the board to reveal any hidden tiles. This means that you should try to plan out your moves ahead of time, especially earlier in the game. This ensures that every move is as strategic as possible. This will also help you avoid running into a scenario when no playable tiles are left.
Use the help button when stuck.
We’ve added a help button to our Mahjong Solitaire, which can provide you with some guidance if you are unsure what your next move could (or should) be. You can find the help button on the left-hand corner of your screen, and it is designed to look like a lightbulb.
Once pressed, a yellow ring will appear around a potential pairing so that you know what your next best move should be.

Remember that practice makes perfect.
As with any game that requires strategic thought or logical reasoning, the more time you spend playing, the better you’ll get. This means that you’ll find you win more often than you run out of options!
Mahjong Solitaire: FAQs.
How do you win at Mahjong Solitaire?
You win a game of Mahjong Solitaire when you have successfully removed all 144 tiles from the board. As outlined above, this is achieved by successfully pairing matching tiles or by pairing tiles based on the category they belong to.
Are you taxed when playing Mahjong Solitaire?
When playing 24/7 Mahjong, a timer will appear in the bottom left corner of your screen. While this does not impact your chances of winning, it's always fun to try and challenge yourself to remove all tiles from the board as quickly as possible. Keeping track of your timings allows you to push yourself to play better the next time!
How long does a game of Mahjong Solitaire last?
The amount of time it typically takes to play a game of Mahjong solitaire can vary depending on a variety of factors. This includes:
- Your skill level. More experienced or skilled players will generally be able to complete a game of Mahjong Solitaire far quicker than a beginner. This is because they are more accustomed to the game, so they know exactly what moves they should make in order to perform well overall.
- The complexity of the layout. Mahjong Solitaire is playable in a variety of different layouts, each of varying complexity. As a general rule, the more complex the layout, the more difficult it will be to remove tiles from the board. This could mean that you are playing for longer than expected.
How can I speed up a game of Mahjong Solitaire?
There’s no set way to speed up a game of Mahjong Solitaire, though you may find that you’re able to find and identify the optimal pairings quicker the more time you spend playing. Again, this comes down to improving your familiarity with the game and its rules.
If you are stuck, using the help/hint feature can also help you to save valuable time and energy. This is because a solution is given to you automatically!
What are some common mistakes beginners make when playing Mahjong Solitaire?
As with any game, beginners and mistakes go hand in hand. As a result, there are a variety of common mistakes made by first-time or beginner Mahjong Solitaire that you may want to familarize yourself with ahead of time. After all, this means that you are then able to avoid it during your own gameplay.
Common mistakes include:
Rushing into making a pairing. When playing for the first time, it's easy to jump the gun by trying to make pairings as quickly as possible. While this does remove tiles from the board, removing the first pairing you see is not always the best choice - especially if you are not uncovering hidden tiles while doing so. Remember, speed is not necessarily important during this game
Not thinking about their moves ahead of time. While this is similar to the point above, it is important to remember that Mahjong Solitaire is a game of strategy. This means that you must try to pre-plan future moves throughout the game, by thinking about what tiles are uncovered and what are missing. Failing to do so will lower your overall chances of success.
Neglecting elevated tiles and corners. As mentioned in the strategy section of this article, players should begin by focusing on deconstructing stacks or elevated tiles and corner pieces. This is because by doing so, you are bringing more tiles into play and avoiding running into a dead end (i.e., you’re making it easier to win the game instead of losing).
Which Mahjong Solitaire Layout Should I Play?
There are a wide range of different layouts available on our website, including
- Classic Mahjong Solitaire
- Classic Mahjong Solitaire II
- Piramini Mahjong Solitaire
- Harmony Mahjong Solitaire
- Fish Mahjong Solitaire
- Bridge Mahjong Solitaire
- Twin Peaks Mahjong Solitaire
- Tri Peaks Mahjong Solitaire
- Hollow Mahjong Solitaire
- H Mahjong Solitaire
- Teeth Mahjong Solitaire
- Gate Mahjong Solitaire
- Butterfly Mahjong Solitaire
- Pyramid Mahjong Solitaire
- Triangle Mahjong Solitaire
- Square Mahjong Solitaire
- Tower Mahjong Solitaire
- X Mahjong Solitaire
- UFO Mahjong Solitaire
- Cross Mahjong Solitaire
- Great Wall Mahjong Solitaire
- Snake Mahjong Solitaire
- Blade Mahjong Solitaire
- Double Play Mahjong Solitaire
- Bullseye Mahjong Solitaire
- Circles Mahjong Solitaire
The reason that there are so many different layouts is likely due to the fact that there are always 144 tiles in play, meaning there’s no shortage of formations to place the tiles in initially. Playing online means that this is done automatically for you (within seconds) as opposed to having to place each tile down yourself, which could otherwise get confusing.
The wide variety of Mahjong Solitaire layouts means that you are truly spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a style or layout ahead of your next online game of Mahjong Solitaire. Generally speaking. However, beginners should focus on the less complex patterns and formations, given that they are generally easier to solve. This includes classic Mahjong Solitaire or Harmony Mahjong Solitaire.
As your experience level grows, you can begin to try out each of the different layouts. While you may like some more than others, this is a great way to add variation to your gameplay and test your Mahjong Solitaire abilities! After all, it means that no two games are the same, which can keep things from feeling stagnant or boring if you play Mahjong Solitaire on a regular basis.
Can I play Mahjong Solitaire with friends?
While the original version of Mahjong is a four-player game, Mahjong Solitaire is designed for single-players only. In fact, the word Solitaire itself means “alone or isolated.” However, if you were to play Mahjong Solitaire online, you could always compare your score with friends by seeing who can remove all of the tiles from their virtual Mahjong Solitaire first! This is a great way to tap into your competitive spirit!
What is the difference between Mahjong Solitaire and Mahjong?
Mahjong and Mahjong Solitaire games are based on the same principles. That is, in order to win either game, you need to successfully pair tiles together and remove them from the gameboard. However, in Mahjong, points are earned based on the specific tile pairings, and you are competing against other players. When playing Mahjong Solitaire, you play alone, and you win by removing all of the tiles from the board.
What is the difference between Mahjong Solitaire and Solitaire?
Solitaire and Mahjong Solitaire are comparable in that they are both pattern-recognition games, which involve pairing cards/tiles together or into separate groups. They are also both played alone, as their names suggest. However, there are also many differences between the two games. Mahjong is played using Mahjong tiles, which feature a range of unique patterns, shapes and Chinese characters, whereas Solitaire is a card game, played using a standard 52 deck of cards.
Final Thoughts.
There are a lot of benefits associated with learning how to play Mahjong Solitaire, from decreased stress to improved cognitive function. Beyond this, however, it's also a lot of fun!
Fortunately, unlike other games of a similar variety, it's relatively easy to learn how to play Mahjong Solitaire, as you simply need to focus on finding matching patterns and tiles until the board is clear.
Now that you have familiarized yourself with the rules, and winning strategies, it's time to put your skills to the text by trying out our range of Mahjong Solitaire games. Remember, keep it simple at the start with the classic Mahjong Solitaire layout, at least until you feel you’ve developed a keen understanding of the game. From there, you can begin to branch out and try more complex patterns and layouts.
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